Applies To:
KnowledgeSmart Administrators and Users.
Common Causes/Issues:
You would like to understand more about the user journey for Surveys.
Solution Overview:
This article looks at the logic for why Surveys can be beneficial to businesses, and walks through the different steps in the user journey.
Why Surveys?
- Quick to complete (5-10 mins).
- Provide a clearer understanding of employee and team engagement.
- Capturing new ideas which can improve the business.
- Encouraging honest feedback that can help managers make decisions and be more aware of problems.
- Improving morale.
- Empower people and make them feel heard.
- Promotes a positive work environment.
There are two ways to access a KnowledgeSmart Survey; by clicking a link in an email invite or by entering a code on the Survey login screen.
Survey process
Typically, a Survey invite is sent to users via email. Click the blue link to initiate the Survey.
Alternatively, you might be asked to login to a Survey via a code. In this scenario, go to, click on 'Users > Take Survey'.
Enter your Survey code and click 'Continue' to proceed to your Survey.
The KnowledgeSmart Survey user interface (UI) is mobile responsive and works equally well on desktop, tablet, or mobile screens. To begin, go to the Survey start page, enter your username and password, then click 'Continue'.
To begin, read the Survey instructions, and click the 'Continue' button.
Answer the questions on the screen, by selecting the relevant answer boxes, or by typing answers to free text questions.
Refer to the bar at the top of the screen to see how many pages of questions will be presented during the Survey.
Questions are grouped by module on the Survey UI. Each module presents on a separate page of the Survey.
Use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to navigate through the Survey pages. Click 'Previous' to return to previously submitted answers.
Click 'Finish' to submit your Survey replies.
A popup message will display, allowing you to return to the Survey and edit your answers, or to complete the Survey and submit your responses.
At the end of the Survey, a confirmation page displays, with a summary of your responses.
Click 'Exit survey' to finish.
The 'My Surveys' area of your user profile page provides a summary of the Surveys you have been invited to complete. Click here for an article about individual user pages.
Your company will now be able to analyze your responses, to optimize recruitment, training initiatives and employee engagement.
Related Article(s):
How to invite users to a Skills assessment, Survey or Skills audit
Self-inviting to a KnowledgeSmart Skills assessment, Exam, Survey or Skills audit
KnowledgeSmart individual user pages
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