Applies To:
All KnowledgeSmart Administrators with privileges to issue invites to users.
Common Causes/Issues:
There are different ways to issue invites to users. The best method to use depends on the specific circumstances and is mainly driven by the number of users being invited.
There are three main methods to invite users to a Skills assessment, Survey or Skills audit. They are described below.
Method 1
For inviting a small number of users and new users.
Select 'Invites > Invite users'.
1. From the dropdown list, select the relevant Skills assessment, Survey or Skills audit.
2. Add the personal details for the person being invited. Email address, first and last name. Then choose the 'status' from the dropdown. The default is 'Employee'. Choose 'Interviewee' if the person is part of a hiring program. You may add multiple people by this method. If the person does not exist in the User list of the account, they will be added when the invite is issued.
3. Write the invite subject line, or accept the default text.
4. The body text of the email invite may be edited. Use this opportunity to deliver your message about the assessment program. We recommend to keep the paragraphs with the video link and describing the role of passwords and multiple invites.
5. Set an expiry date, if required.
6. Send the invite(s).
Method 2
For inviting multiple users.
This method works just like Method 1. However, instead of loading people one-by-one it is possible to upload multiple users by way of a .csv file. Access this function via the orange 'Upload users' button.
Which leads to this screen:
Browse for your .csv file by clicking in the white box. Upload users this way. To carry out this upload you must use a specific template, 'sampleInviteeCSV'. You will find the .csv template by hovering over the '?' help icon on the 'Invites > Invite users' page. (It is also downloadable from the footer of this article).
Method 3
For inviting users from the Users page.
This method is based on selecting users from the Users list. These users are then transferred to the 'Invite users' page. Equivalent to Step 2 in Method 1. After the transfer, follow the steps in Method 1.
Selected users are added to the invite list.
Related Article(s):
Inviting Users to Take an Assessment
How to customize a Skills assessment invite email
How to customize a Survey invite email
How to customize a Skills audit invite email
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