Applies To:
All KnowledgeSmart Principal Administrators and Administrators with Users & Invites permissions.
Common Causes/Issues:
As part of a new hire process an interviewee will be visiting your office. You wish to set up a workstation ready for them to take a KnowledgeSmart assessment. You do not wish to send them an invite to an assessment ahead of their visit.
Solution Overview:
An Administrator with Principal Admin status or Users & Invites status may set up an assessment in a browser window on a workstation.
Step 1. From the KnowledgeSmart login page select 'Take Assessment'.
Step 2. Log in using your Administrator user name and password.
Step 3. Select an Account. Then scroll down the page and select an assessment
Step 4: Ask the Interviewee to complete their details and click on the 'Submit' button. The assessment process will begin as normal.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure the last box is changed to 'Interviewee' status, shown by the red arrow below. This will determine the level of feedback given to the Interviewee after the assessment is completed.
Related Article(s):
Setting Up a Test From a Browser
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