Applies To:
KnowledgeSmart Administrators and Users.
Common Causes/Issues:
You would like to understand more about the user journey for Skills assessments.
Solution Overview:
This article looks at the logic for why Skills assessments can be beneficial to teams, and walks through the different steps in the user journey.
Why Skills assessments?
- This process will help your company paint a detailed picture of the skills you and your colleagues currently possess in your organization.
- A detailed skill gap analysis can help your company develop a more targeted training plan. This allows them to focus on the most critical areas to impact business performance.
- Instead of enrolling you for an entire training course, the company will be able to explore “micro-training” opportunities that you can take “on-demand” to improve skill levels in a very direct and targeted way.
- If additional resources are needed, the company can review their skills inventory map first before exploring external recruitment. External recruitment can also be more targeted to where the real skill gaps are.
- Onboarding can be streamlined, which means new resources can become productive faster.
- By using the assessment results data your company will be able to prove BIM capability and attract new projects and collaborating partners.
- With the right skills data in hand, companies should be able to make smaller 'course' corrections as a tactical reaction to unexpected circumstances.
- The data captured through this process can also help the project resource managers make sure that the right people are assigned to the right projects, at the right time.
During the assessment process you will be prompted to answer some background questions.
Your primary learning method, learning country, number of years experience, frequency of using the software, self-rating and other background data will help management make more aligned, insightful decisions.
Knowledge based questions
Knowledge-based questions typically involve your ability to recall information.
Activity or Task based questions
Activity or performance based questions measures your ability to apply the skills and knowledge learned.
In order to demonstrate competence, you must be able to perform certain tasks or skills with a required level of proficiency.
A competency is broken down into specific skills or tasks. Competencies focus on how results are achieved rather than merely the end result.
Skills assessment process
Typically, a Skills assessment invite is sent to users via email. Click the blue link to initiate the assessment session. Enter your username and password and login to the session.
An alternative method might be to log the user in from a browser link, bypassing the need to send (and receive) an invite email.
Answer all background or company specific questions and select your self-rating score. Click the green 'Let's get started' button to continue.
Read all instructions, watch the user movie, download your datasets (orange 'Download files' button) and click the green 'Start your assessment' bar to begin.
You are now in the assessment portal. You might see a digital proctor message appear which reminds you to complete the assessment without assistance.
Make use of your 'Request training' and 'Skip question' buttons to give your company additional feedback.
The 'Question Navigator' and 'Key' will guide your progress during the Skills assessment and help you keep track of elapsed time.
Once you have answered all questions you will be prompted to submit your answers for marking, or you can review your answers one last time.
You may be prompted to provide some optional additional background information.
Depending on your system administrator's chosen feedback settings, your Skills assessment results should be instantly available. Results are normally shared via email and can also be accessed from within your individual user profile page.
The 'My Assessment Scores' area of your user profile page helps you understand your current skill gaps and areas of high proficiency. Click here for an article about individual user pages.
Your company will now be able to analyze your results and background information, to optimize recruitment, training initiatives and project resource management.
Related Article(s):
How to invite users to a Skills assessment, Survey or Skills audit
How to set up an assessment from a browser
Self-inviting to a KnowledgeSmart Skills assessment, Exam, Survey or Skills audit
KnowledgeSmart individual user pages
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