Applies To:
KnowledgeSmart Principal Administrators, Library Administrators and Users & Invites Administrators.
Common Causes/Issues:
You want to see a summary list of sent invites for KnowledgeSmart Skills audits, including the ability to determine the status of each invite.
Solution Overview:
KS admins can view a full list of sent Skills audits invites, including invite status, on the Skills Invites > History page.
Use the account dropdown menu to view individual accounts or all linked accounts.
Use the Filter by invite status tool to sort the view for all sent invites, into 3 groups: Not Started / In Progress / Completed. Essay questions have a ‘Pending’ status, which requires them to be manually marked.
Search your invites by selecting the 'Show search' link and entering your search parameters in the relevant fields. Then hit the 'Search' button to filter your data.
Create dynamic groups of your invites, by clicking 'Show dynamic groups' and applying the relevant filters from the values captured in your user datafields.
Sent invites data can be exported to .csv for further analysis, by selecting the 'Export invite data to CSV' button.
Re-send multiple invites at the same time, by selecting the relevant invite(s) using the check box(es) and clicking the 'Re-send invites' button.
Delete multiple invites at the same time, by selecting the relevant invite(s) using the check box(es) and clicking the 'Delete' button.
User the column headers to re-order the data on the page.
Related Article(s):
How to invite users to a Skills assessment, Survey or Skills audit