Applies To:
KnowledgeSmart Principal Administrators and Results Administrators.
Common Causes/Issues:
You would like to understand the options available for exporting KnowledgeSmart Skills audit results data and creating visualizations in Power BI.
Solution Overview:
Power BI Desktop is free software from Microsoft which allows the creation of rich, interactive reports with visual analytics.
Find out more and download the software here:
We have a Power BI template with a range of interactive visuals to help our customers better understand the story of training needs and personal & team development which their skills ratings data has identified.
Power BI export file and templates
At the bottom of your 'Skills > Home' page click on the green 'Run Export' button to obtain the Power BI master data Excel file containing information on Users, Invites, Questions, Modules, Assessment results, Teams, User and Manager Skills Rating data. Note that if you have linked accounts you may export the file for ‘Accounts (All)’ or individual accounts.
When you have downloaded this Excel file, open it up and see if it is in ‘Protected View’ mode. If it is, then click on ‘Enable Editing’ and save the file.
Take note of the file name and where it is saved as you will need this information when loading your data to the template:
e.g. C:\Documents\DataSources\Knowledgesmart 160522.xlsx
Next, click on the gray 'Power BI Template' button. This will take you to the download page for the Power BI template.
Further instructions are displayed below the download links. Click on the download button. A zip file will be downloaded. Move the zip file to your preferred location and extract the Power BI file.
The file it will have the extension .PBIX. We continually review and update the file when needed, so name and version may change. The name should look something like below:
Click on the file to open it. When Power BI Desktop opens, you will see this page view.
Navigate to the 'Read me First' tab and review the instructions.
You'll also find help guides and supporting documentation on the 'User Guides' tab.
The file will open with our demo data and you will need to update the data source to load your own data. Select the 'Transform data > Data source settings' tool.
Select 'Change source', browse for your master export file and click 'OK'.
Your data file will be presented in the current data source file area. Select 'Close' to continue uploading your data.
Select 'Apply changes' to complete the upload.
The process takes a few seconds to complete.
Our 'User Guide' provides a more detailed summary of the data import process.
Your KnowledgeSmart data should now be populated in the file and you can start viewing and customizing as needed.
The 'Navigation Home' page provides access to a master summary of all available charts.
Use the navigation menu to find the visualization you are looking for. In the desktop version of Power BI, you need to hold Ctrl and then click the menu button.
The templates support Power BI themes so color schemes can easily be customized. You can also include your corporate logo in your report template.
Save your report as a PDF for easy sharing of your data visualizations with your team.
Related Article(s):
Exporting KnowledgeSmart Skills audit results data
Viewing and filtering KnowledgeSmart Skills audit results data