Applies To:
- KnowledgeSmart Administrators
Common Causes/Issues:
- You would like to learn about the differences between a KnowledgeSmart Skills assessment and a Skills audit.
Solution Overview:
- The KnowledgeSmart platform has a Skills assessment component, a general Survey component, and a Skills audit component.
- There are various use cases for each platform function.
- Skills audits capture a subjective user and manager rating based on their understanding of knowledge and experience.
- Skills assessments offer an objective verification of competencies and combine both knowledge-based and task-based questions.
Tactical Rundown:
Skills Audits Skills Assessments
Related Article(s):
How to invite users to a Skills assessment, Survey, or Skills audit
Skills assessments, Exams, Surveys and Skills audits; what are they and when to use them
What is the difference between a Skills assessment and a quiz?
Use cases for Skills assessments
KnowledgeSmart Skills Assessment Library Checklist
KnowledgeSmart Skills Audit Library Checklist