Applies To:
KnowledgeSmart Administrators.
Common Causes/Issues:
You want to create, edit and export Teams in your KnowledgeSmart admin dashboard.
Solution Overview:
KS administrators can create different Teams and assign Team managers, to reflect the existing Team structure within their organization.
Here's how the process works:
Step one
Go to the Teams > New team page of your admin dashboard.
Name and describe your team.
Step two
Assign your team members.
Step three
Assign your Primary team manager.
Step four
Assign your Secondary team manager.
Go to the Teams > Team list page to view a list of all Teams in your account.
Use the 'Export Team Data to CSV' button to export a list of Team members.
Use the 'Export teams to CSV' button to export a list of all Teams.
Related Article(s):
Managing, uploading and exporting multiple Teams in KnowledgeSmart
Adding a second manager to a KnowledgeSmart Team
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