Applies To:
KnowledgeSmart Principal Administrators, Users & Invites Administrators, and Team Managers.
Common Causes/Issues:
You would like to add more than one Manager to your KS Teams.
Solution Overview:
KS Teams can have a 'Primary' Manager and a 'Secondary' Manager.
Primary Managers can view and edit KS Skills audit data, plus view KS Skills assessment data and KS Survey data (for their Team(s)).
Secondary Managers can view (but not edit) KS Skills audit data, plus view KS Skills assessment data and KS Survey data (for their Team(s)).
Adding Managers to Teams
Step 1
Name and describe your team.
Step 2
Assign your team members.
Step 3
Assign your Primary team manager.
Step 4
Assign your Secondary team manager.
Viewing Results data on Manager Pages
This is the view for a Primary manager...
Select the 'My Teams' link to view the teams you manage.
Click the team name to view a list of team members.
Click the '+' icon to view skills for each team member. Primary managers can view and edit Manager ratings values.
Select the 'Team Skills' link to view a consolidated list of skills for all users from teams you manage.
Click the user name to view a list of skills. Primary managers can view and edit Manager ratings values.
In addition to Skills ratings data, Primary managers can also view results data for Surveys and results and invites history data for Skills assessments.
This is the view for a Secondary manager...
Select the 'My Teams' link to view the teams you manage.
Click the team name to view a list of team members.
Click the '+' icon to view skills for each team member. Secondary managers can view (but not edit) Manager ratings values. (Manager ratings are grayed out).
Select the 'Team Skills' link to view a consolidated list of skills for all users from teams you manage.
Click the user name to view a list of skills. Secondary managers can view (but not edit) Manager ratings values. (Manager ratings are grayed out).
In addition to Skills ratings data, Secondary managers can also view results data for Surveys and results and invites history data for Skills assessments.
Related Article(s):
Creating and exporting individual Teams in KnowledgeSmart
Managing, uploading and exporting multiple Teams in KnowledgeSmart