Applies To:
KnowledgeSmart Administrators.
Common Causes/Issues:
The 'Manage team data' function available within the KnowledgeSmart dashboard allows the offline management and creation of Teams using Microsoft Excel. It includes the ability to create new Teams, Users and Managers as well as modifying existing Teams.
Solution Overview:
Here is how to import your team data, which results in a batch upload of multiple teams into your KnowledgeSmart dashboard.
To access the 'Import team data' function click on 'Teams > Manage team data' from the vertical menu on the left of the screen. You will arrive at this page:
A template for uploading Teams data is available for download by clicking on '?' the icon. This opens a text window where there is a link to the template in .csv format.
Teams Upload Template File
Adding data to the template file.
The Teams upload template file consists of the following 22 columns. The columns which are shown in bold are mandatory and must contain data. Any row of the template .csv file which has a blank in any of these columns will not be uploaded.
An error message will be shown indicating where the error occurs. Error messages at upload are discussed in more detail later on. The file must be maintained and saved in .csv format.
Use an existing Team Name to add Users to that Team. Enter a new Team Name to create a brand new Team in the Account.
A short description of your team.
The first name of the Manager of the Team. If this is an existing Team enter the Manager first name for that Team. If this is a new Manager who is also a new User, the upload will create a User record in the account.
As above, but using the Manager's last name.
Enter the Job Title.
Enter the Manager's email address.
The first name of the Secondary Manager of the Team. If this is an existing Team enter the Secondary Manager first name for that Team. If this is a new Secondary Manager who is also a new User, the upload will create a User record in the account.
As above, but using the Secondary Manager's last name.
Enter the Job Title.
Enter the Secondary Manager's email address.
Note: All of the following columns can be populated for existing Users in the account by a copy and paste operation from the file which results from 'Export User Data to CSV'. This function can be found on the 'Users > Manage user data' page.
Data added for new Users will be uploaded and a new User record will be created in the Account.
When importing the data to a single or Child Account. The AccountName should match the Account to which the data is being imported. If it does not match then an error will be shown on import.
When importing the data to a Parent Account. When importing at a Parent Account level it is allowed to include Teams, Users and Managers for Child Accounts. Account names must match the Account names in the linked Account structure.
Uploading the completed Teams file
Once the Teams upload template file is populated with data it can be uploaded to the account.
Under the 'Import team data' heading at the top of the 'Manage team data' page, left mouse click in the empty box to navigate to the upload file.
Click on the 'UPLOAD' button.
Should there be any data missing from any of the mandatory columns then error messages will be shown.
Examples of these error messages are displayed in the screenshot below. Note that the error message is specific to the column where data is incomplete, as an aid to identifying the problem.
The error message also gives an indication of the overall level of missing data, in this case showing that of 48 rows of data in the file only 39 will be imported.
Should the Account names in the AccountName column be missing, or do not match the logged in Account, then this error message will be shown.
When no error messages are shown the complete set of Team and User data is good to be uploaded to the Account/s. Click on the orange 'Add/Update teams and users' button.
This action will add current Users to existing Teams or create new Teams, Users and Managers.
Exporting Team Data
At the 'Manage team data' page it is possible to export Team data by using the 'Export Team Data to CSV' button. If you are logged into a Parent Account then Team data from linked Accounts may also be exported by checking the 'Export teams from all linked accounts' box.
The structure of the resulting Teams export .csv file is exactly the same as for the Teams upload template file. Therefore, it may be used for the modification or addition of Teams, Users and Managers using the same process as described for the Teams upload template file.
Related Article(s):
Creating and exporting individual Teams in KnowledgeSmart
Adding a second manager to a KnowledgeSmart Team
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