Applies To:
KnowledgeSmart Administrators.
Common Causes/Issues:
You want to view and edit UI settings in your KnowledgeSmart admin dashboard.
Solution Overview:
On the Settings > UI options page, system admins can control which additional information is made visible on the assessment login pages and assessment UI. You also have the option to allow users to access their own individual user pages and self-enroll in assessments, exams, surveys and skills audits.
Check the 'Display ‘Skip question’ button' box to display a button in the assessment UI, which allows users to skip questions during their session. Skipped questions are highlighted in the final report.
Check the 'Display ‘Request training’ button' box to display a button in the assessment UI, which allows users to request further training for questions. Questions with training requests are flagged in the final report.
On the Results > Data page, admins can export training request and skipped question data to CSV for more detailed analysis, including the related questions flagged by users during their assessment sessions.
Check the 'Display user data capture page 1 (start)' and 'Display user data capture page 2 (end)' boxes if you want to display the additional user information capture screens, at the start and end of a test session.
Use these pages to capture a more detailed picture of user background experience, industry discipline, role, location and learning history. You can also ask users to complete a self-rating of their skills, i.e. how well they think they are going to perform, before they take their assessment. You can edit these values in the 'Skill ratings on test start page' area.
Other UI options include the ability to hide the ‘logout’ button on the assessment UI and display a digital proctoring message.
Check the 'Enable user page access' box to allow users to access their own personal dashboard page.
Check the 'Allow self-invites' box(es) to allow users to self-enroll in assessments, exams, surveys and/or Skills audits.
If you have two or more accounts, you can assign Settings changes across multiple accounts at the same time. Click on the 'Show linked accounts' link in the orange bar, select the account(s) you want to be included in your Settings update and hit the 'Save' button to register your changes.
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