Applies To:
- Users
- All Admins
- Learning Managers
- Content Managers
Common Causes/Issues:
- You would like to learn the definitions of terminology or common terms you may see or hear when using the KnowledgeSmart platform.
Solution Overview:
KnowledgeSmart Terminology
The following list details some common terms that you may see or hear when using KnowledgeSmart.
Test | A Skills assessment consisting of a group of one or more modules, consisting of a group of questions. A Skills assessment is an evaluation of an individual's ability to perform a specific skill or set of skills. Without an assessment, managers are left with human reports of proficiency - with no objective agreement on the "scale". |
Bias |
Bias is a disproportionate weight in favor of or against an idea, thing or person; usually in a way that is closed-minded, prejudicial, or unfair. |
Skill Audit |
A Skills audit consists of a group of one or more modules, consisting of a group of Skills audit questions. A Skills audit is a systematic assessment of a user's research skills and knowledge. An audit should provide evidence of existing or developing competence and users rate their ability and experience on a broad range of skills. It is closely associated with needs analysis: identifying any needs for training or personal development. |
Soft skills |
Personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people. |
Skill Rating Description |
When a user answers a Skills audit question that will use the skill rating description to guide their answer. |
Module | A group of questions. |
Skills Assessment Question | There are 9 types of questions you might see in a KnowledgeSmart Skills assessment and they may be knowledge based or task-based. Task-based questions require the use of the software to complete an exercise. |
Question Types |
The following types of questions appear in KnowledgeSmart Skills assessments: True/False, Multiple Choice (Select One), Multiple Choice (Select Many), Order List, Pick-List, Complete the blank, Free-text, Essay and Matrix. The general Survey platform offers only free comment, Yes/No, Multiple Choice (select one), Multiple Choice (select many). The Skills audit platform has one question type: Multiple Choice (select one - skill rating description). |
Question Files |
Supporting files that helps a user interpret a question or execute a task mentioned in an assessment question. Certain questions within KnowledgeSmart are task-based, meaning they require the use of the software being assessed in order to answer the question. |
Published Content |
Customizable content that has either been published by KnowledgeSmart as part of your subscription or by your organization. When content is published it is locked for editing. To edit or customize published content you need to un-publish it first or import public content to your draft library. |
Draft Library |
Your Skills assessment, Survey and Skills audit production area consisting of draft Tests/Surveys/Skills audits, draft modules and draft questions, as well as create Tests, Surveys, Skills audits, create modules and create questions. You will also see a batch edit option under Tests and Skills audits, which allows you to bulk edit content offline. |
Question Tags |
Meta data associated with a KnowledgeSmart question. Question tags consist of training tags, category tags, question type tags and difficulty rating tags. |
Question Type Tags |
Task (interrogate) - the user has to open a file and find the answer, but they don't have to modify or change the file in any way. Task (modify) - the user has to open and modify a file to work out the correct answer. Knowledge - this type of question does not require a file to be associated with it. |
Question Difficulty Tags |
Basic, Intermediate and Advanced. |
Training Tags |
Meta data associated with a Skills assessment or Skills audit question focused on guiding targeted upskilling. You can tag your questions with accompanying training recommendations, i.e. training topics which would be helpful to a user who performs poorly on a particular question. These tags will be visible to the user in their results report and are used to facilitate personalized learning journeys in Pinnacle Series via the KnowledgeSmart integration. Example: Family creation, File export, Surfaces. |
Category Tag | Meta data associated with a Test, Survey, Skills audit, module or question that helps you to keep your KnowledgeSmart content organised and easy to find. Add multiple category tags by separating each one with a comma. |
Self-Invite | To allow users to invite themselves to selected Skills assessments, Exams, Surveys and Skills audits. |
User Data Capture | The KnowledgeSmart platform allows you to associate 5 unique datafields or user attributes to a user profile. User data can be imported via a spreadsheet or can be captured during a Skills assessment using a drop-down menu. Create user datafield labels and options under Users > User datafields. |
Dynamic Groups |
Groups inside KnowledgeSmart with associated rules or parameters. When the rules/parameters are met, users are automatically grouped. Dynamic groups can be replicated between users, invites and results. |
Job Titles |
A job role description that you can associate with a user profile.
Teams | Groups of employees within your organization. Group anyone where it makes sense to view a consolidated view of skills data. Associate a manager with each team for added platform functionality. |
My Teams | A dedicated area inside the KnowledgeSmart manager profile that allows a manager to view all teams and related skills data where they are specified as the manager on the admin dashboard. |
System Mail |
KnowledgeSmart email notifications.
Test Feedback Settings | A KnowledgeSmart administrator can specify the level of detail shared in a report with users. A unique setting can be applied per profile type (Employee, Interviewee, Student, Teacher, Contractor). |
Exams |
It is possible to adjust a KnowledgeSmart Skills assessment to associate a band description (e.g. pass, fail, merit, priority development) instead of a score. This is done under Draft tests > Edit test > Test settings. |
Highest account level permission | It is possible to have multiple linked accounts inside the KnowledgeSmart platform with a parent/child hierarchical structure where data and content can be shared. It is possible to assign administrator status on a per-account level. The highest account level permission is the top or highest account that you have administrative permissions for. |
A linked account | You can add new accounts to your KnowledgeSmart account hierarchy. New accounts will appear directly beneath the account you are currently logged into, in your organizational chart. |
Administrator Types |
There are different types of administrators within the KnowledgeSmart platform Principal Admin - access to all admin areas and can be limited to Test/Survey only or Skills audit only. Library Admin - Does not have access to the home menu, invites menu, results menu, users menu, teams menu and accounts menu. Can be limited to Test/Survey only or Skills audit only. Invites and Users Admin - Does not have access to the home menu, library menu, invites menu, results menu, and accounts menu. Can be limited to Test/Survey only or Skills audit only. Results Admin - Does not have access to library, invites, teams and accounts. Can be limited to Test/Survey only or Skills audit only. |
API stands for Application Programming Interface - a set of functions and procedures allowing the creation of applications that access the features or data of KnowledgeSmart. The KnowledgeSmart API opens up our application's data and functionality to external third-party developers, business partners, and internal departments for integrations or custom workflows. |
Links to Learning |
It is possible to associate custom learning content to a KnowledgeSmart question either via uploading a PDF or adding a hyperlink. If a user has a skills gap for a question they can leverage a link to learning from within their assessment report. |
Individual User Pages |
Each KnowledgeSmart user can get access to a personal profile page where they can manage their personal platform data, upload learning and development records, track and analyze platform activities (Skills assessments, Surveys, Exams and Skills audits) and self-enroll in approved Skills assessments, Surveys, Skills audits and Exams. |
People Finder |
After users have completed a Skills audit it is possible to set up a unique skill search under 'Skills audit > Skill search' to isolate users that meet a range of conditions. |
Data Analysis |
The platform has a data query tool on the main page of Test mode that allows you to create and save a variety of data queries with or without conditions. These data queries can be used to perform a series of bulk actions or to isolate a specific group of records or results. |
Global Benchmark Data |
KnowledgeSmart periodically analyzes all test results and publishes global statistics for major assessments. Individual users can compare their test results with inter-company benchmark data as well as global benchmarks for certain assessments. |
Unified Log In |
If your organization subscribes to Pinnacle Series and has a KnowledgeSmart license, it is possible to get direct access to KnowledgeSmart after being authenticated by Pinnacle Series. If you want to login to the KnowledgeSmart platform directly you will need your KnowledgeSmart username and password. |
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