Applies To:
All Administrators of a KnowledgeSmart account who hold Principal Administrator status.
Common Causes/Issues:
You wish to add a new Administrator to your account, or remove an existing Administrator.
Solution Overview:
A Principal Administrator may add or remove Administrators for a KnowledgeSmart account. It is not necessary to request prior permission from KnowledgeSmart. There are no limits on the number of Administrators which can be added.
When logged into your KnowledgeSmart account select 'Accounts' from the left hand vertical menu.
For the specific account, select the 'Administrators' icon, indicated by the red arrow below.
This opens a page which lists your current Administrators. You may add a new one by completing the details shown below. The Administrator Types are discussed in this article.
When you select the orange 'Add' button, the Administrator details will be added to the account and they will be sent a welcome email with a username and password.
To remove an Administrator click on the 'Delete' icon next to their name, indicated by the red box below.
Parent and Child Accounts:
The topmost account in the hierarchy is known as the Parent account. Those branching below are Child accounts.
Administrator access granted to a Parent account cascades and automatically grants Administrator access to all linked Child accounts.
Administrator access granted to a Child account is specific to that account.
In the account hierarchy shown this means that:
- An Administrator for Highroyd AEC can also access Highroyd AEC Civil and Highroyd HDR.
- An Administrator for Highroyd AEC Civil can only access that account.
Related Article(s):
What are the different types of KnowledgeSmart Administrator?
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