Applies To:
KnowledgeSmart and Pinnacle Series Administrators.
Common Causes/Issues:
- Your organization has decided to subscribe to KnowledgeSmart and take advantage of the integration with Pinnacle Series.
- You would like to configure the integration with KnowledgeSmart inside the Pinnacle Series management utility or browser admin.
Solution Overview:
To configure Pinnacle Series for KnowledgeSmart integration and set up the ability to enroll users into assessments, you must meet the following requirements.
- Your organization must have an active KnowledgeSmart subscription.
- You must have the necessary KnowledgeSmart admin permissions.
- You must have an active Pinnacle Series Subscription.
- You must have the necessary Pinnacle Series Admin Permissions.
- You must have Pinnacle Series Enroll Users Permissions (required to validate the integration).
- You will need to leverage the Pinnacle Browser Admin Portal or the latest version of the Pinnacle Series Management utility.
Tactical Rundown:
- To configure your KnowledgeSmart integration you will need your KnowledgeSmart API key.
- To locate your KnowledgeSmart API key you need KnowledgeSmart admin permissions.
- Log into the KnowledgeSmart admin dashboard ( and go to the ACCOUNTS tab. Locate the KnowledgeSmart account that you wish to integrate to the Pinnacle Series and click "Show" under the column API key. A small window will appear displaying your unique API key.
- Use Ctrl + C to copy the key to your clipboard.
Pinnacle Series Admin Browser Workflow
- Select the integrations button inside the left-hand side menu.
- Click the Configure button as shown below.
- Use Ctrl +V to paste the API key from KnowledgeSmart into the API key window.
- Toggle on the option to allow users to self-enroll for assessments or you can also opt to do this later.
- It is possible for users to self enroll for a skill assessment and assessment invites can be resumed from within the Pinnacle Series platform as shown below.
- It is possible for users to self enroll for a skill assessment and assessment invites can be resumed from within the Pinnacle Series platform as shown below.
Pinnacle Series Management Utility - Administrator Utility Workflow
- Open the Administrator Utility.
- Select Integrations.
- Select the box to the left of 'Integrate with KnowledgeSmart'.
- Click the 'Configure KnowledgeSmart' button.
- Paste your KnowledgeSmart API key into the API key window.
- Select the box next to 'allow users to self enroll for assessments' if applicable.
- Click OK to complete the process.
You will now be able to access the KnowledgeSmart tab inside the Learning/Assessment Assignment section of the Management utility.
Related Article(s):
Setting up Pinnacle Series for KnowledgeSmart Integration
Managing KnowledgeSmart Assessments in Pinnacle Series
Mapping KnowledgeSmart Assessments to Pinnacle Series Courses
Mapping KnowledgeSmart Assessments to Pinnacle Series Course Content
Assessing Users and Assigning Personalized Training
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