Applies To:
KnowledgeSmart Principal Administrators and Library Administrators.
Common Causes/Issues:
You would like to understand the different types of questions available in the KnowledgeSmart library. This article covers Skills assessments, Surveys and Skills audits.
Solution Overview:
Skills Assessments
There are 9 types of questions which comprise a KnowledgeSmart Skills assessment. Let's take a brief look at each one:
Free text
This type of question requires a specific answer, which needs to match the answer stored in the KS database. Users must pay attention to any instructions on how to format their answer, for example, decimal precision, case sensitive answers, spacing, accurate spelling, and so on.
Multiple choice
This question type offers a selection of possible answers – and users need to select the best one. Watch out for 'distracter' answers, which are designed to make people think before selecting their final response.
Pick list
This question type offers users a range of options, which could represent a correct answer. Users should choose the best answers from the list provided, using the check boxes. Partial marks are awarded for entering some of the correct answers.
True or false
This question type is straightforward. Users must read the statement or question and decide if they think it is true or false. Enter the answer using the radio buttons.
Order list
This question type requires users to place several items in the correct sequence. They need to drag and drop the answer options until they are in the right order.
Matching list
This question type asks the user to correctly identify or match the relationship between two lists of data.
Complete the blank
This question type asks the user to fill in one (or more) blank fields, or select from a list of available options in a sentence or paragraph.
This question type asks the user to review a list of short words or phrases and select a radio button option that relates to the ‘correct’ description.
This question type asks the user to write a longer answer to a question. This will not be automatically marked and requires manual scoring by system administrators.
Maximum character limits
Question name = 50 characters
Question summary = 3,000 characters
Question text = 3,000 characters
Category tags = 400 characters
Training tags = 400 characters
Multiple choice answer field = 50 characters
Pick list answer field = 50 characters
Coaching text = 3,000 characters
Learning text = 3,000 characters
There are 4 types of questions which comprise a KnowledgeSmart survey. Let's take a brief look at each one:
Free comment
This question type allows users to enter an extended response, sharing their opinions, thoughts or feedback in longer form.
Yes or no
This question type presents a question and asks for a Yes or No response.
Multiple choice (select one)
This question type offers a selection of possible answers – and users need to select the most appropriate one.
Multiple choice (select many)
This question type offers a selection of possible answers – and users can select more than one.
Maximum character limits
Question name = 50 characters
Question text = 3,000 characters
Category tags = 400 characters
Free comment answer field = 3,000 characters
Multiple choice (select one) answer field = 50 characters
Multiple choice (select many) answer field = 50 characters
Skills Audits
There is one question type available in a KnowledgeSmart Skills audit.
Multiple choice (select one)
This question type offers a selection of possible answers – and users need to select the most appropriate one. This could either be a number from 1-5, a short description, or a combination of both choices.
Maximum character limits
Question name = 50 characters
Rated skill = 100 characters
Question text = 3,000 characters
Category tags = 400 characters
Training tags = 400 characters
Multiple choice (select one) answer field = 50 characters
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