Applies To:
All users.
Common Causes/Issues:
You have either entered an incorrect password or the password entered does not match the user's Active Directory password.
Solution Overview:
If Single Sign-on (SSO) is enabled for your organization's Pinnacle Series platform, the issue is likely that the password entered does not match your Active Directory password.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
If SSO is enabled and the password is not the issue, the likely problem could be that the organization and/or user has enabled Multi-factor Authentication (MFA). Pinnacle Series does not support MFA at this time.
To continue to use Pinnacle Series with MFA enabled ask your Pinnacle Series Administrator to toggle on "Don't use Single Sign On (SSO) from your Pinnacle Series user account.
Tactical Rundown for (MFA) solution
The Pinnacle Series Administrator will modify the user by following one of two routes.
Option 1 - Launch the Management Utility
- Navigate to Administrator Utility
Search for the affected user, select the user by clicking inside the square box on the left-hand side of the display name, then select the modify button at the bottom of the screen.
In the modify user window check the option - Don't use Single Sign On (SSO).
Option 2: Admin Browser
Navigate to Users.
Search for the user in the search navigation box.
Select the checkbox next to the user's display name.
Select the pencil icon to edit the user.
Select the 'Exclude Users from SSO' option and click the submit button.
Related Article(s):
Password Authentication Settings - Browser Admin
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