Solution Overview:
In addition to the related content that displays in the pop-up, there are other buttons/options that can be modified to customize it's behavior as you work.
Referring to the circled items above:
1. Clicking the “X”
- clicking the “x” simply closes the window temporarily until you click another tool in the software tied to an RLT, which then pops the window up again.
2. “I don’t want to see Related Topics”
- checking this box will prevent the RLTs from showing up indefinitely until you go back into your user profile and re-activates the User Tools; This message also appears upon the box being checked:
3. “Stay on top”
- by default, this is checked on, which positions the RLT window above your other programs when an RLT is triggered, so it would overlay the Autodesk software until you clicked into the software again, or minimized the RLT window. If it’s un-checked, and you minimizes the RLT window, it will remain minimized even though the related topics are still changing as you work.