Applies To:
- Content Managers and Training Managers
Common Causes/Issues:
- You would like to make custom assessment content available to users when they self-enroll in a personalized learning path inside Pinnacle Series.
- You would like to edit the list of assessments shown when a user chooses to personalize their learning inside Pinnacle Series.
Solution Overview:
There are a number of steps you need to take that will impact the list of assessments shown in the list of mapped assessments when a user chooses to personalize their learning.
- You need to make sure the API key of your current KS Admin dashboard account matches the API code under Integrations > KnowledgeSmart > Configure inside your Pinnacle Series admin browser.
- Edited or bespoke assessments inside your KnowledgeSmart draft library need to be in a published state.
- The assessment needs to be made available for self-enrolment.
- Self-enrolment needs to be toggled on for tests under Settings > UI Options.
- Inside the 'manage content' area of the Pinnacle Series management utility, you need to access the 'Map KnowledgeSmart assessments' menu option from tools and map the learning content you want to connect to each skill assessment.
- If you have active windows of both platforms it is also recommended to clear browser cache and refresh your session to make sure updates are showing.
Tactical Rundown:
Step 1:
Check that the API key from the KnowledgeSmart admin dashboard account that you are working in aligns to the API key that is set up under integrations inside your Pinnacle Series admin browser. The skill assessment that you wish to 'share' to Pinnacle Series will need to be in the main account that is set to integrate to Pinnacle Series.
- Go to accounts > Your accounts
- Click the show link as shown below next to the account that you are working in and make a note of the API key shown (Ctrl +C will copy it to your clipboard)
- Open the admin browser and go to the integrations menu.
- Click the configure button next to KnowledgeSmart and check the API key shown matches the one from your KnowledgeSmart admin dashboard.
- Make sure that self-invite is toggled on as well.
Step 2 | KnowledgeSmart Admin Dashboard | Edit Visibility
- Pinnacle Series is drawing assessments from published content inside your KnowledgeSmart Admin Dashboard.
- If there are any pre-authored assessments that you do not wish to make available to your users you will need to remove visibility.
- Navigate to Published Content > KnowledgeSmart tests
- Click the green tick icon at the end of the icon panel to disable this test on your admin dashboard.
- The green tick will turn to a red cross as confirmation that it has been disabled.
Step 3 | KnowledgeSmart Admin Dashboard | Publish Edited or Bespoke Assessments
- Use the KnowledgeSmart admin area link from within your Pinnacle Series admin browser.
- Navigate to Library.
- To edit a KnowledgeSmart skill assessment you need to import it first to your draft library.
- The above-linked article will guide you through customizing a skill assessment if needed.
- To learn more about the questions you can author yourself inside the KnowledgeSmart platform see this article.
- When you are done authoring or editing a skill assessment you need to publish it.
- Published tests can also be shared across linked accounts, by using the relevant tools on the 'Accounts > Manage Content' page.
- You will use the icon below to publish a skill assessment and this test will appear under the Published tests menu as well.
- When you select the icon a small medal icon will appear on top of that icon confirming the test is now published.
- Once the test shows as published you need to navigate to the last purple icon and click it to enable self-invite for this assessment. (for linked accounts select the account mapped to Pinnacle Series from the drop-down list and then click the self-invite icon).
- This needs to done for every assessment you wish to pass through for self-enrolment.
- The purple icon will turn green as confirmation.
- Navigate to Published Content > Published Tests to view a summary of all published custom assessments.
Step 3 | KnowledgeSmart Admin Dashboard | Settings
- Navigate to Settings > UI Options
- Make sure the checkbox next to 'allow self-invites (tests)' is checked.
- Always remember to click save to lock in any changes.
Step 4 | Pinnacle Series Management Utility | Manage Content
- Open the Manage Content area of the Management utility.
- Go to the learning paths tab, select Tools and then select Map KnowledgeSmart assessments from the drop-down menu.
- KnowledgeSmart assessments are shown in alphabetic order and your custom assessment will show as <not mapped>.
- Select the assessment you wish to map to learning content and then select the 'Set training template' button at the bottom.
- Select Learning Paths/Courses that you want to link to this assessment.
- Use the Find content search bar to search for content if needed.
- You can add individual courses or full learning paths.
- To add a course expand the learning path by selecting the > icon to the left of the learning path name, then select the course and click add.
- Once you are done adding your mapped learning content, click OK.
- To clear a default learning path select the 'clear training template' button at the bottom and then set training template to re-map learning content.
- When you are done select close.
Related Article(s):
How to customize a KnowledgeSmart assessment
KnowledgeSmart Skills Assessment Library Checklist
Adding additional titles to your KnowledgeSmart library
How to self-enroll into Pinnacle Series learning