The AI Chatbot in the Pinnacle Series platform is designed to provide personalized assistance by referencing your recent interactions and context. However, there may be times when you need to reset the chatbot—for instance, to clear previous queries or start a new line of inquiry. The "Clear All" option in Pinnacle Series Classic allows you to reset the AI Chatbot and remove any contextual memory from the current session while retaining the chat history. Alternatively, refreshing your browser (F5) or selecting 'New Chat' will clear all chat history and allow you to start a new conversation.
Why Reset the AI Chat Bot?
Resetting the chatbot can be helpful in the following situations:
- New Query: You want to start a fresh conversation without interfering with prior interactions.
- Troubleshooting: The chatbot provides irrelevant or confusing responses due to accumulated context.
Steps to Reset the AI Chat Bot in Pinnacle Series Classic
Clear All
Type 'Clear All' to retain visual chat history but reset the Bot
- Within the AI Chatbot interface, during a session, type 'Clear All'
- Within the AI Chatbot interface, during a session, type 'Clear All'
Note the confirmation message.
- Your chat history will still be visible, but the chatbot will be reset.
- The message confirms that all the retrieved results have been cleared.
Start a New Query:
- You can now type in a new chat prompt.
New Chat
Click the 'New Chat' button to clear chat history or refresh your browser (F5) to start a new conversation.
Steps to Reset the AI Chat Bot in Pinnacle Series Peak Experience
Access the Chat Bot:
- Navigate to the AI Chatbot interface and start a conversation.
- To reset the AI Chatbot, refresh your browser (F5) or select the 'New Chat' button.
Start a New Query:
- You can now begin your fresh conversation.
What Happens After Selecting 'Clear All' in Classic?
- Should you wish to pivot to a different topic but retain previous results, all chat results and context from the current session will be cleared.
- The AI chatbot will no longer reference previous queries or context.
- The bot will respond as if it's starting a new conversation, improving the relevance of your new questions.
What Happens After you Refresh your Browser or select 'New Chat' in both Classic or the Peak Experience?
- All chat history and context are cleared, and the bot is ready to start a new conversation.
The "Clear All" option is a simple yet powerful tool for resetting the AI Chat Bot while retaining the chat history (within Pinnacle Series Classic only). Alternatively, use the 'new chat' button or browser refresh (F5) to clear all chat history and start a new conversation (Classic and Peak Experience). If you have additional questions or encounter challenges, don’t hesitate to contact our support team.
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