Applies To:
Technical Administrators.
Common Causes/Issues:
- After attempting to run Pinnacle Series, you receive the error: "Pinnacle Series could not communicate with its server".
Solution Overview:
- This error message indicates you do not have access to connect to the web services that are needed for Pinnacle Series.
- It could simply be due to a lack of internet connection but you should also consider some sort of firewall prevention or the use of a Proxy Server.
- If you have confirmed that you do have internet access and still receive the error, you will need to contact your IT Department/System Administrator and have them enable access for the Pinnacle application to the following domains:
Related Pinnacle Series Article(s):
Pinnacle Series Installation Log
Pinnacle.exe - Application Error
Related Knowledge Base Article(s):
Whitelisting Pinnacle Series system mails
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