Applies To:
Pinnacle Series Administrators and Content Managers who are creating and editing content.
Common Causes/Issues:
An error is received when clicking on 'Manage Content', within the Management Utility. A common error message that shows, when selecting 'Show Details', states: "Couldn’t find a compatible Webview2 Runtime installation to host WebViews".
Solution Overview:
You, or your IT team, will need to download/install the WebView2 plugin which can be obtained via two methods:
Method 1 (Recommended): Installing the latest version of the Microsoft Edge web browser.
- To install Edge, visit
Note: The WebView2 plugin is packaged with the Edge browser, so by installing Edge, you would also be installing the plugin
Method 2: Installing the WebView2 plugin manually
- This method is to be used if you do not want the Edge browser, or, you are unable to obtain it.
- To do this, go to: and choose to download one of the three available WebView2 Runtime options.
For information on those different options, below is a link that explains the different distribution methods:
WebView2 Runtime Distribution Methods
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