Applies To:
All users.
Common Causes/Issues:
You would like to download Pinnacle Series learning content to view later in an offline environment
You would like the flexibility to view your Pinnacle Series learning content anytime, anywhere.
Solution Overview:
- If you want to view content from Pinnacle Series offline, you can download content onto your system and use the Pinnacle Offline view to consume the assets.
- In preparation for viewing content offline, you will need to download the assets onto your system.
- To do this you will first need to add the assets into your "My Assets" area.
- You can do this by viewing an asset in Pinnacle Series and selecting "Share to My Assets" from the asset tools.
- You will need to repeat this for all of the assets you want to view offline.
- When you return back to your Home Page, all the assets you shared will appear in your "My Assets" area.
- To select which assets from this list you want to download, click "My Assets". On the "My Assets" page click "Download for offline viewing".
- Put a checkmark next to the assets you want to download, then click "Download Selected".
- Important: The content you selected will be downloaded onto your system for 14 days.
You will get a notification in your system tray that the files are being downloaded
and will get a second message when the download completes. -
Once the download has finished, you can view the content offline.
Tactical Solution:
- To view the Pinnacle Series content offline you'll need to use the Pinnacle Series Offline Viewer.
- You can access this from the shortcut on your desktop.
- In the Pinnacle Series Offline Viewer, select the asset you want to view.
Pinnacle Series will open your asset and you can get started in your offline viewing.
When you have finished viewing the offline content you can delete it from your Offline Assets, or let it expire after 14 days.
Important: If you complete a course offline, Pinnacle Series will update your course status when you reconnect your system to the internet.
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