Applies To:
Pinnacle Series Administrators and Content Managers
Common Causes/Issues:
Your custom video will not display in the browser with an error message stating the video could not be found.
Solution Overview:
Your video title (filename characters of the mp4) most likely contains special characters that are not allowed by Microsoft Azure or the Pinnacle Series platform.
Once the characters are removed and the video re-uploaded, the issue should be resolved.
- Please see the below list for which special characters might be allowed and which will generate an error.
~ : PASS
! : PASS` : PASS@ : PASS# : PASS$ : PASS% : PASS^ : PASS& : PASS* : Windows doesn't allow this( : PASS) : PASS- : PASS_ : PASS+ : ERROR RECEIVED in Portal and MU (see screenshots below)= : PASS{ : PASS} : PASS[ : PASS] : PASS| : Windows doesn't allow\ : Windows doesn't allow/ : Windows doesn't allow: : Windows doesn't allow; : PASS" : Windows doesn't allow' : PASS< : Windows doesn't allow> : Windows doesn't allow, : PASS. : PASS? : Windows doesn't allow