KnowledgeSmart Repairs
- Bug associated with downloading coaching notes within the assessment report.
- We fixed an issue that prevented invite templates from being selectable on the Assessment Invites page of the KS admin dashboard.
- Account switch Repair
- For administrators with partial permissions (i.e., not Principal admins), we displayed a page with 'Page access denied' when logging in. This has now been corrected to allow access to the first accessible page in the menu to display after login.
- Survey and Skill Audit Platform Repair
- We applied a fix to resolve the issue of Skills audits and general surveys displaying as duplicate entries in the library when they were added to groups.
- Skill Audit Platform Repairs
- We applied a fix to resolve an inconsistency in the export of Skills audit results data in the Manager pages. This now matches the skills results export from the main admin dashboard Results area.
- We updated the Skills audit results export for parent and child accounts to ensure that the correct account name and account ID are displayed in the appropriate fields. We also added a new field for the Skills audit name.
- Test Repairs
- We resolved an issue relating to assessment invites with a status of 'Completed' reverting back to 'Pending' if an essay question was included and if the user selected the invite link again after the assessment session had closed.
- We resolved an issue relating to assessment invites with a status of 'Completed' reverting back to 'Pending' if an essay question was included and if the user selected the invite link again after the assessment session had closed.
- Data Export Repairs
- The master data export file for tests was modified to capture users in dynamic groups in all parent and child accounts in an account hierarchy. Previously, only the dynamic group of the account where the user was based was exported.
- The master data export file for tests was modified to capture users in dynamic groups in all parent and child accounts in an account hierarchy. Previously, only the dynamic group of the account where the user was based was exported.
- API Repairs
- The API was updated to resolve an issue related to adding a new user to a child account via the Swagger site. The user record was incorrectly displayed in the parent account, but this has now been fixed.
- The API was updated to resolve an issue related to adding a new user to a child account via the Swagger site. The user record was incorrectly displayed in the parent account, but this has now been fixed.
- General Survey Self-Invite Bug
- We identified a bug on the general survey library page, whereby Published surveys toggled on for ‘self-invite’ were not retaining the change. This has now been fixed.
Related Article(s):
Pinnacle Series Monthly Release Notes
KnowledgeSmart Enhancements - Skill Audit Platform - July 2022-September 2023
KnowledgeSmart Enhancements - Test (July 2022-September 2023)
KnowledgeSmart Enhancements - Survey Platform (July 2022- September 2023)
KnowledgeSmart - General Enhancements (July 2022-September 2023)